Thursday, October 11, 2018

Ancestry DNA Update

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My DNA has been processed at It appears the closest relative I have is a either a first or second cousin who actually participated in Ancestry's DNA analysis. There might be more out there.

According to Ancestry, I have thousands of close or distant cousins. My genetic heritage is mostly centered on north western Europe and England, with a little Ghana and Ivory Coast.

I messaged my closest relative once. I'm not really expecting to hear back from her, but I did get a message from three other people, one of whom I've already been cycling with for just over a year.

Ancestry has a family tree app, but since I was adopted under seal, I have no way of knowing who my genetic parents are. The fact that I was given up at birth in secrecy would bring embarrassment to them and probably anyone else within two degrees of separation.

I shouldn't expect to hear from close relatives but I'm not going to judge them for the circumstances of my conception. At least I wasn't aborted. I'm just glad I was at least adopted.

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