The Humanist: The Ethical Dilemma: Cutting to the Chase on Conversion and Circumcision |
The Intercept: Disabled Veterans Shatter the Myths of American Warfare |
FDL: Over Easy: Fukushima Update |
Alternet: Is Gentrification Fueling Pollice Brutality in San Francisco? |
The Brad Blog: Learning From History While Some Rewrite it |
CPI: Court case shows how health insurers rip off you and your employer |
Common Dreams: Obama Announces New Restrictions on Military Hardware for Local Cops |
Counter Current News: High school students charged with felonies for senior prank that deflated bus tires. |
Counter Punch: Wake Up the Earth! |
Daily Kos: What we know about Iraq we knew back then, too |
Democracy Now: (video) Ralph Nader on Bernie Sanders' Presidential Bid & His Unanswered Letters to the White House |
EPI: Growing Consensus that Labor Market Slack Remains: The Fed Should Stay the Course and Wait to Increase Rates Until the Weakness Has Lessened Substantially |
EcoWatch: 7 Facts That Prove the Renewable Energy Revolution Has Arrived |
Food Safety News: FDA Warning Letters: Dairy, Seafood Processors |
Global Research: "First Strike" Attack against Iran? Washington's "Missile Defense" Deal with Gulf Monarchies |
HNGN: Fingerprints Could Reveal Cocaine Use, Making Non-Invasive Drug Testing Possible |
Liberal America: (video) NASA Scientists Credit History of Warming To Huge Ice Shelf Melt |
Media Matters: Media Ignore How Hillary Clinton's Policies Have Helped Address Income Inequality |
Mint Press News: Reverse Drug Stings: The Latest Tool For Creating Criminals In The War On Drugs |
Mother Jones: No, the GOP Has Not Lost Its Lust for War |
ProPublica: Money as a Weapon System: How U.S. Commanders Spent $2 Billion of Petty Cash in Afghanistant |
Raw Story: Jeb Bush: A 'tolerant country' should allow discrimination based upon 'religious beliefs' |
Right Wing Watch: Takeover! Jade Helm 15 And Eight Other Obama Plots That Keep The Right Up at Night |
PRWatch: Scott Walker Lied, GOP Prosecutor Says |
The Consumerist: Why Is It So Dang Difficult To Get Accurate Information About Broadband Speeds? |
The Guardian: Rick Santorum heralds role as 'blue collar conservative' in Iowa |
The Real News: (video) Graduating Class of 2015 Most Debt Burden in History |
Think Progress: The Really Awful Truth About Climate Change |
TruthDig: The Pathology of the Rich White Family |
Truth-Out: Activists and Faith Leaders Push Back on Fake Reproductive Health Clinics |
WikiLeaks: Trident Whistleblower: nuclear 'disaster waiting to happen' |
Workers Independent News: (audio) WIN Labor Report: May 18, 2015 |
World Socialist Website: Chicago residents speak on police torture and poverty. |
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