Friday, December 21, 2018

Irritation this morning 12/21/2018

My left knee swelled up over the last couple of days. It does that every few months. It's from an old vollyball injury I got while I was unemployed in 2002 with no insurance. Now my left leg bends out at the knee slightly. Anyway, it kept me awake most of last night and I was feeling irritable while reading the State Journal-Register this morning. I left a few comments there.

I'm especially annoyed that the main-stream news media barely mentioned that the 2018 Farm Bill has legalized Industrial Hemp with less than 0.3% THC across the nation.

We may switch to growing hemp instead of our usual corn and soybeans, so I bought thousands of shares of stock in various micro-cap hemp startup companies, which cultivate, process, and produce products such as cloth, paper, biodegradable plastic bags, CBD oil, bio-diesel fuel and even hemp-based car parts.

Despite the markets falling, these stocks are buoying themselves. Some are even climbing because they represent a whole new economy. This crop has the potential to save the American Farmer.

Senators Ron Wyden and Mitch McConnell have been working on legalizing hemp nationwide since last April. I didn't hear about this until the farm manager mentioned the possibility in October,

I'm hoping CBD oil will help my knee, my gout, my psoriasis, and my anxiety.

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